
What Is IPTV?

IPTV is a whole new way of watching TV. You do not need an antenna, satellite dish or other equipment. All you need is an internet connection with a speed of at least 30 Mbit / s. 

You can watch IPTV through one of our fantastic boxes or connect a SmartTV, computer, tablet, etc. The possibilities are endless.

How Well Do The Channels Really Work?

We have an operating time of 98.0%. This means that 98.0% of the time all channels work well. Sometimes it is possible to turn off certain channels for a short time due to upgrades or frequency changes.


Shop Internet to find speeds and prices for any need or budget. Enjoy WiFi that puts you in protects connections this service is banned in Sweden and the rest of the EU, bitcoins must be paid for.


02 To make it even more secure for you, we have implemented SSL encryption on our website so that traffic between you and our website can not be sniffed or listened to. Ownership?


Our IPTV servers are based in China, Azerbaijan, America and are reflected in the Netherlands. No Swedish authorities have the authority to approach our servers and we can promise you that your privacy is preserved.